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After the calamity and the fall of magic, Panzer is one of the very few people that didn’t really mind the change. She spent most of her time in the outlands of Synthwood city, scavenging wastelands for old technology, which to her, might as well have been magic. Rebellious and impetuous, she makes up one of the 3 members of Kitz’s merc crew. By forming strong bonds with her teammates; her carefree attitude lessens the stress of the job. In fact, she seems to be the only one fond of the dangerous and “fast-paced” work environment
Panzer particularly likes to scavenge weapons of the old war, one such weapon (which she particularly likes) is the disposable “Anti-Abominant” launcher. You would be hard-pressed to see her without, whether she is swinging it as an improvised club or firing it against particularly tough opponents. Most weapons from the old war are magically enhanced pieces of tech that use powerful old magic in its raw form to enhance the power of the weapon. This is evident through the ofuda and beads which wrap the warhead of the launcher.
Panzers impetus to use these weapons is actually what supplied her namesake. Her care-free use of the weapons often resulted in many accidents which got her and others around her hurt. However, Panzers’ heavy use of protective talismans protected her from what could have been grim deaths. Whether it be a trip to the ramen stand or blasting her way through a corporate headquarters; she is pasted with several talisman papers which gave her magical protection as if the small oni is an armored tank herself.