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Shunned and outcast by others for her use of magic lost to time, Jaak is no stranger to committing spell crimes. Luckily for her, most corporations didn’t seem to really care if you conduct your work in unethical ways, as long as you get results, and if it’s results you want, Jaak is the best In the business. Finding employment in Hakirax, Jaak is one of the few “lucky” mercs to find permanent contracted work from a corporation. Leading her to find her way into the highest echelons of corporate success and proving herself to be an indispensable asset to Hakirax, Jaak is no longer allowed to leave Hakirax.
Jaak’s body is peppered with scars and talisman papers. Though they provide her with some amount of power unknown to most, several are simply used to keep her dying body in one piece. Contractor work is dangerous and has led to many near-death experiences that only make Jaak delve deeper into her forbidden magic to keep herself alive. Jaak however, in contrast to this, seems to live nonchalantly, finding comfort living with the Hakirax family. She is glued to the side of Cerise Hakirax, which leaves a strange dynamic between her and the Hakirax sisters, who distrust her and her motives.